Saturday, March 7, 2009

Going Home!

Wow, so that was a bit unexpected. Over the last day my foot has made a ton of improvement with blood starting to come through the dead area, which also shrank around the edges. The doctor is getting fairly confident that I may not need a graft after all, so I'm headed home for a week! They'll take the pic line out of my chest tomorrow and switch me to oral antibiotics, so that'll make travel a bit easier. Pretty soon it's just going to be wound care for my right foot and nothing else, so that'll also make that work quite a bit simpler.

Travel will be interesting. I managed to book a one-way ticket on the same flight that Lori is taking home on Monday morning, so that's cool. I'm borrowing a pair of crutches from the hospital for the week, then will return them. Lori has been in touch with a friend about borrowing a pair to use later, which is great. I'm not sure how it's going to feel to sit on a plane for an hour with my leg hanging down. I used the real toilet last night and just that length of time with my leg dangling was excruciating. I'm sure I'll be able to prop it up or pull it onto my lap or something though.

I haven't figured out yet how I'm going to get back down here. If I can score a flight as cheap as Lori's next weekend, like heading in Saturday then coming back Monday, that's probably the best thing I could do. Then, even if they decide to go ahead and graft after all, I can just pay a change fee and pick a day to come home. I wish I could drive, but I really can't imagine hanging my foot over the gas pedal for five hours, especially without being able to take the painkillers. In any case, I suppose I could theoretically do it, I just don't want to and probably wouldn't be allowed to. Some things are just bad ideas.

As intimidating as it is to be traveling and having to take care of myself (with beautiful help), it's pretty darn exciting to be headed home. I've tested the healing power of the Tetons for the soul time and time again and always find myself rejuvenated. We'll just have to see if there's a similar power that aids physical healing. Most importantly though, I'll be in a familiar place with a fantastic person and there can't be anything better for healing than that. I won't be able to stop smiling either.


  1. great news! sounds like everything is going as well as can be expected. i'm still going to be looking for updates, though...

    definitely sounds like plane tickets are the move.

  2. That's fantastic news, Chris! Your quick recovery doesn't surprise me with that positive attitude you've had along the way. Have a safe travel home and continue to keep us updated!

    Hugs from Norway

    -Kristin Welschinger

  3. Hurray, that is the best news you can have!! I stumbled across your blog via your and lori's comment to Jill's Up in Alaskablog, who I came across via someone elses.... The world is a small place on the web... Good luck and speedy recovery form Janneke in the Netherlands.

  4. Very excited to see your recovery!!! You continue to inspire Chris as you always will....this experience will just add more to the fire in your spirit!! I enjoy reading your entries and have passed them on to others bc your energy and attitude should be shared!

    jenna boren
    st paul
